DePol Subject Selection

The Depol images I have do not have titles or much else information available in the spreadsheet. I feel pretty confident with my other images, however I am unsure if I chose the best subject for this image below.

I choose Printing for the subject for this item. I believe it is just a woodblock, brayer, and ink. I am hoping that there is not anything more specific, that I am missing, other than Printing.



  1. I think those accurately describe the image! There is also a piece of lead type pictured (the letter “c”). But I think that would be fine to leave under the “printing” subject term. Maybe add it to the description?

  2. Yep, you’ve got it. Remember you can email Dr. MacCall with additions to the drop-down menu. I could not view other images when coming up with drop-down terms for subject, only the spreadsheet—so may need to add to the subject terms if yours didn’t have much info on spreadsheet.

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